Cycle of stupidity
never seems to stop
Any large parking lot anywhere is sure to be full of examples of How Not to Do It — louts using spots meant for the handicapped, dolts straddling two spaces at once, boors blocking the fire lanes, and what-have-you. Stupidity isn’t confined to those on four wheels, however. Bicyclists too account for a certain share of the socially retarded.
Here’s an example of how not to use a bike rack. Rather than being secured at right angles to the rack and taking up one space, as it’s meant to, the machine at left is locked sideways across two. There are cyclists who do this invariably; whether it represents active malevolence or out of mere ignorance is debatable.
One argument favouring the second explanation in this instance is that only the frame of the sideways bike is secured to the rack; any passing mischief-maker could have the front wheel off with one twist of the quick-release lever.
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